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Appliance Repair Service in Margate

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Appliance Repair Service in Margate

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Trusted and Certified Appliance Repair Technicians in Margate

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We Repair All Brands and Models in Margate

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Diagnostic Fee

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Save up to $150 on your repair if you enroll in a home warranty

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We served more than 100,000 households!
4.83 / 5.00
The average rating for our Specialists is 4.83, based on 11,294 reviews
Ann Kasey
CA, United States
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One morning while I was preparing to receive some guests at home my oven stopped working. I had a turkey in there but the appliance wouldn’t heat. So I called this company to know if I could get a same day service. I was connected to a very sympathetic representative who succeeded in having me a booking. Three hours after my call, a technician came to my home, diagnosed the problem and fixed it. I recommend 5 Star Appliance Repair for their responsiveness and for the professionalism of their technicians. Do not hesitate to call them when you are in need of an appliance repair service.
Stan Franklin
CA, United States
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It’s been more than 5 years that I have been using 5 Star Appliance Repair services and they have never disappointed me. Their technicians are very professional and respectful workers. They also have great communication skills; they clearly and detaily explain what is wrong with appliances after diagnosing. The last appliance they fixed at my home was a wine cooler that was not cooling at all. The repair service was done quickly as usual and till today my wine cooler has never had a problem. Exceptional service.
Alicia Rivers
CA, United States
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5 Star Appliance Repair sent us one of their most professional technicians after we called for a broken dryer. We had an appointment at 3 pm and the technician arrived ten minutes early. Once at our home, he diagnosed the problem and explained what was wrong with our dryer. It took him about one and a half hours to complete the repair. After repairing, we checked together that everything was functioning properly. I recommend this company to all those who need quick and effective appliance repair. 5 Star Appliance Repair is a real trustworthy company.
Jerry Ponte
CA, United States
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5 Star Appliance Repair is for me, without any doubt the best appliance repair company. I started using their service two years ago after my twelve year old refrigerator stopped working all of a sudden. The customer service representative who picked my call was very helpful and got me an appointment quickly. The expert who came to fix my refrigerator was well equipped and very polite. He explained what caused my refrigerator to stop working and gave me some advice on how to prevent that from happening. 5 Star Appliance Repair is a company you can trust, do not hesitate to call them for any appliance repair.
Stephanie Rodas
CA, United States
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After overloading my washer, I noticed a strange noise. I called 5 Star Appliance Repair to have a technician coming out to check. They got me an appointment the next day. Technician was very well prepared for the repair. He had a bag of equipment and went straight to the refrigerator once he arrived. The fridge was fixed in about 2 hours and was working perfectly. Seeing the efforts made by the technician to fix my problem, I thought that the cost of repair would be exorbitant. I couldn’t be more wrong. The cost of repair was fair and affordable. I’m very grateful for the incredible service. I highly recommend 5 Star Appliance Repair.
Aida Vish
CA, United States
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I contacted 5 Star Appliance Repair to have the burners of my range repaired. The representative I had on the line was very nice and helpful. She was very patient while answering my questions and helped me book a technician. The technician who arrived at my home was very professional and the repair went smoothly. He did a great job and made sure everything was working well before leaving. The pricing was cheaper than I expected and the experience was very satisfying. I think 5 Star Appliance Repair is the best appliance service provider I have ever used. I highly recommend them.
Carl Wright
CA, United States
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My cooktop decided to let me down on a saturday morning when I was expecting guests. If it wasn’t for Steve, the appliance repair expert of 5 Star Appliance Repair, my day would have been a disaster. After calling 5 Star Appliance Repair, I managed to get a same day appointment. Steve came fifteen minutes early fully equipped and fixed my cooktop promptly. It turns out that it was a problem with the electric connection of the cooktop. I really appreciate Steve’s professionalism and highly recommend 5 Star Appliance Repair to all those who need an appliance repair service.

Why you should call 5 Star Appliance Repair to repair your appliances in Margate

When it comes to appliance repair services in Margate, there’s no better choice than 5 Star Appliance Repair. With our team of highly skilled technicians and years of experience in the industry, we are dedicated to providing top-notch service and ensuring your appliances are running smoothly.

Why should you call 5 Star Appliance Repair for all your appliance repair needs? Here are a few reasons:

  • Expertise: Our technicians are trained and certified to handle a wide range of appliance repairs. Whether it’s a refrigerator, dishwasher, oven, or washing machine, we have the knowledge and skills to fix it.
  • Quick Response: We understand that a broken appliance can disrupt your daily routine. That’s why we offer prompt and efficient service, ensuring that your appliance is up and running in no time.
  • Affordable Rates: We believe that quality service shouldn’t break the bank. Our rates are competitive and transparent, with no hidden fees or surprises.
  • Quality Parts: We only use genuine, high-quality parts for all our repairs. This ensures that your appliance will continue to function optimally and have a longer lifespan.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Our priority is your satisfaction. We strive to provide excellent customer service, from the moment you call us to the completion of the repair.

Don’t let a malfunctioning appliance disrupt your daily life. Call 5 Star Appliance Repair today for reliable and efficient appliance repair services in Margate. Our team is ready to assist you and get your appliances back in working order.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the most common appliance repair issues in Margate include refrigerator not cooling, dishwasher not draining, oven not heating, washing machine not spinning, and dryer not drying. These issues can be caused by various factors such as faulty components, clogged filters, or electrical problems. If you are experiencing any of these problems, it is recommended to seek professional help from the experts at 5 Star Appliance Repair. Our team of skilled technicians specializes in providing top-notch appliance repair services, including fridge repair, washer repair, and dryer repair services. Contact us today for reliable and efficient solutions to all your appliance repair needs.

When choosing a reliable appliance repair service in Margate, there are a few key factors to consider. First, look for a company with a solid reputation and positive customer reviews. This indicates their reliability and quality of service. Second, ensure that the company has certified technicians who are experienced in handling various appliance repairs. This ensures that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to fix your specific appliance issue. Additionally, it is important to choose a company that offers prompt and efficient service, as well as competitive pricing. Lastly, consider a company that provides a warranty on their repairs, as this demonstrates their confidence in their workmanship. At 5 Star Appliance Repair, our team of skilled technicians specializes in a wide range of appliance repair services, including washer repair, fridge repair, and more. We are committed to providing reliable and efficient service to our customers.

The average cost of appliance repair services in Margate can vary depending on several factors such as the type of appliance, the extent of the damage, and the specific repair needed. On average, homeowners can expect to pay around $150 to $300 for appliance repair services in Margate. However, it is important to note that this is just an estimate and the actual cost may be higher or lower based on individual circumstances.

At 5 Star Appliance Repair, we understand the importance of having properly functioning appliances in your home. Our team of skilled technicians specializes in a wide range of appliance repair services including washer repair, fridge repair, oven repair, and more. With our expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction, we strive to provide top-notch repair services at competitive prices. Contact our specialists today for any appliance-related problems you may have.

Yes, 5 Star Appliance Repair in Margate offers same-day service for urgent repairs. We understand that appliance breakdowns can be inconvenient and disruptive to your daily routine. Our team of skilled technicians is dedicated to providing prompt and efficient service to address your urgent repair needs. Whether you require washer repair, fridge repair services, or any other appliance repair, our specialists are here to help. Contact us today for fast and reliable same-day service.

Our team of experienced technicians at 5 Star Appliance Repair is ready to assist you with any appliance-related problem. From washer repair to fridge repair services, we have the expertise to handle all your appliance repair needs. Trust our specialists to provide you with top-notch service and get your appliances back up and running in no time.

Professionals recommend several tips for maintaining appliances in Margate homes. Firstly, regular cleaning is essential to prevent dirt and debris buildup. Secondly, it is important to check and replace filters, belts, and hoses as needed. Thirdly, proper ventilation is crucial for appliances such as refrigerators and dryers. Additionally, avoiding overloading and using appliances according to their intended purpose can prolong their lifespan. Lastly, scheduling regular maintenance and repairs with trusted professionals like the specialists at 5 Star Appliance Repair can help address any issues promptly and ensure optimal performance.

Contact our specialists at 5 Star Appliance Repair for any appliance-related problems, including washer repair, fridge repair services, and more.

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